The hedges knotweed (Fallopia dumetorum, basioniem Polygonum dumetorum) is a common, fixed, left twisting vine with arrow-shaped leaves of the knotweed family (Polygonaceae). The plant is in Europe, Siberia and North America. This species is distinguished from the black bindweed (Fallopia convolvulus) by the shiny fruits and clear, membranous wings to zoom or fruits.
The hedges Knotweed blooms from July to October.
The hedges knotweed grows in thickets and hedges, or as shown in fencing.
In other languages:
• English: Copse Weed Tie
• German: Heck Knöterich
• French: des Renouee Haies
• Danish: Vinget Pileurt
See also: International Flower Delivery, Florist
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